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The Glade is a care home for 16 older people. It is situated in its own grounds in a quiet residential area of Brechin, a short distance from local shops, churches and other town amenities.

The home is a substantial stone-built, detached house on two floors, with a passenger lift. All rooms are single, the majority with ensuite toilet and wash hand basin facilities. There is a dining area and two lounges, with access onto the garden surrounding the home. The Glade has its own transport to enable people living there to access the community.

We received back eight out of 16 Care Standards Questionnaires (CSQs) we sent to the service to randomly distribute to residents and their families and friends. We asked their views on 25 quality statements about the service’s care, environment, staffing and management. Most returns highlighted that people strongly agreed or agreed that the quality of care was of a very good standard.

We spent time speaking with people during the inspection. The views of people who responded to our care standard questionnaires, and who spoke with us are reflected here. We also spoke with members of the staff team.

Residents commented:

  • it’s very nice here
  • very comfy
  • the staff are all very good
  • the care is excellent
  • I love going for a walk
  • I’m just fine
  • people are very helpful


  • excellent
  • everyone is so kind and helpful
  • can’t fault them
  • all the staff work so hard to provide the best care for all the residents
  • staff are friendly and approachable and work extremely hard to care for the residents


  • I get a lot of support here – everything works really well
  • my induction was really good
  • it’s a great team
  • I really feel supported

During the inspection we reviewed how well the service were supporting people’s wellbeing. We found the service standard to be very good.

We would expect that people were treated with dignity and respect and were reassured to observe a great number of sensitive interactions from all staff. We observed staff using their knowledge and skills to deliver care and support in a compassionate way.

We saw that people’s choices were listened to in order to support and shape their care. We were also encouraged by the very positive responses from residents and relatives during the inspection. Where support was required we saw staff provide people with care and reassurance. We witnessed people experiencing good interactions with staff and engaging in conversations which were friendly and meaningful. Most importantly we heard laughter and friendly banter.

The way people spend their day should promote purposefulness and wellbeing which we saw. We heard lots of good feedback from people about the range of activities and interests for people to choose from. This included many in-house activities with exercise groups, board games, home projects, daily walks and visits.

Staff seemed confident in noticing any potential changes in people, especially where someone was not feeling good or was distressed. We saw that the service strived to maintain people’s interest and connections with the local community.

Residents could be confident that senior staff had a very good overview of their health care needs and liaised with relevant health care professionals where this was required. Care plan records highlighted the assessment, planning and evaluation of individualised care. Staff were working well implementing the new electronic care plan system and cross-referencing information and evaluating outcomes. This approach should continue.

Medications were being managed in line with good practice. People were supported to remain well through the safe use of medications. Residents could be confident that management and staff had a very good overview of their health care needs and consulted with health care professionals, as needed. We found that the management had a very good overview of key areas including weights, falls and skin integrity.

We found that staff supported people with respect and kindness. We saw that although staff were busy, care was delivered at a relaxed pace which created a homely atmosphere. People told us that the staff always had time for a chat.

Residents could be confident that their care plans gave clear direction on how to deliver their support needs and they were regularly updated, monitored and reviewed. Staff knew people’s care needs very well and were familiar with their likes, dislikes and interests.

Risk assessments to assist resident’s care needs were seen to be carried out regularly. A number of audits were in place in order to manage the performance of the service. This included systems to ensure that staff were appropriately registered with their professional bodies, training requirements of staff, and the ongoing maintenance and upkeep of the building.

We saw that people were encouraged to give their views and make suggestions of how to improve the service. People told us that staff were kind and that they felt listened to. The management and staff team had brought about a continued improvement to the service by focusing on the importance of teamwork and encouraging everyone to play an important part in developing and improving the service. The service should continue with this approach.

The Glade is privately owned and is registered with SCSWIS (social care and social work improvement Scotland).

* Care Inspectorate is responsible for the registration and inspection of social care services in Scotland.

The Care Commission grade all the Quality Statements for a service at each inspection. Each grade describes how well they think the service is doing based on what they inspected.

They make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and we encourage care services to improve.

How well do we support people's wellbeing?
People experience compassion, dignity and respect
People get the most out of life
People's health benefits from their care and support
How well is our care and support planned?
Assessment and care planning reflects people's planning needs and wishes

These can help you to compare services and make choices about care

By law, care providers have to display the ratings that the commission gives them. We must display them in the places where they provide care, somewhere that people who use their services can easily see them.

This inspection report and grades are their assessment of the quality of how the service is performing in the areas they examined during this inspection.

The grading achieved by The Glade is due to all of the staff’s continual commitment to being the first choice care home within our local area.